Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Transformational vs Transactional Leadership Essays

Transformational vs Transactional Leadership Essays Transformational vs Transactional Leadership Paper Transformational vs Transactional Leadership Paper Leadership Styles, High-Quality Leader-Follower (LMX) Relationships and Job Performance The current globalized economic environment is becoming increasingly dynamic and competitive forcing organizations to improve their business practices to overcome greater challenges with more flexibility, efficiency and innovation in products and internal processes (Walumbwa et al. 2005, p. 235). Certainly, there is fundamental evidence of the positive association of leadership style and the influence on follower’s behaviour as a consistent way to improve job performance and organizational outcomes (Vaccaro et al. 2010). The aim of this paper is to demonstrate the impact of transformational and transactional leadership styles on leader member exchange relationships, job performance and job satisfaction. By using theories such Weber’s conceptualization of charismatic leadership, Burns’ transactional leadership and Bass’ Four I’s of transformational leadership, this paper acknowledge the superiority of transformational over transactional leadership style in developing high-quality leader-follower (LMX) relationships, increasing followers’ job performance and Job satisfaction. Recalling previous studies which asserted the dependence of leadership effectiveness on culture and organizational size (Paul et al. 001), it seems clear that transformational leadership is a more suitable leadership style for small, large and complex companies across cultures facing the challenges of globalization of markets. The superiority of transformational leadership style in building high-quality leader-follower (LMX) relationships is given to the practice of one or more of the Four I’s leadership behaviour. Firstly, Idealized influence through a charismatic behavi our will illustrate the positive influence on followers and their performance. It is followed by the ability to motivate team work and the achievement of general goals that produce personal satisfaction and commitment with the company (inspirational motivation). Furthermore, intellectual stimulation will certainly demonstrate how innovation and creativeness is promoted and their impact on organizational results. Finally, individualized consideration in hand with LMX theory will provide an example of the undoubted benefits of dyadic relationships in ‘in-group’ such greater loyalty and commitment. Leadership styles, high-quality leader-follower (LMX) relationships and Job performance. Focusing in the work of Burns (1978) and Bass (1985) on leadership behaviours, transformational and transactional leadership have been the objective of various research in order to capture the extent to which leaders influence subordinates by involving them in the organization’s goals, or by specifying the rewards that will follow the accomplishment of those goals (Rubin et al. 2005; Yammarino et al. 1997) According to Podsakoff et al. 1990) a fundamental characteristic of transformational leadership behaviour is the ability to create a compelling vision for the organization, providing an appropriate model consistent with that vision, stimulating the acceptance of group goals, expecting high performance, providing individualized support and intellectual stimulation. In contrast, transactional leadership is primarily concern with gaining compliance from subordinates by using a contingent re ward dimension or a passive form of managing by exception. The leader specifies what is expected from organizational members and the subsequent reward for its accomplishment (Bass and Avolio 1990). According to LMX theory, a high-quality leader-follower (LMX) relationship, usually associated with dyads in the ‘in-groups’ of the organization, emphasizes in fundamental levels of loyalty, commitment, respect, affection, mutual trust and the possibility of mutual linking between leaders and followers (House et al. 1993). Transformational rather than transactional leadership is more likely to achieve this superior level in the follower-leader relationship by developing one or more of the Four I’s; Idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation and individualized consideration (Bass, BM and Avolio, BJ (eds. ) 1994). Idealized influence A transformational leader acts in a way that becomes a role model or inspirational image for his/her followers (Zhang, X, Cao, Q and Tjosvold, D 2010) usually attributed to his/her charismatic approach. Certainly, charisma in meant to be a requirement for transformational leadership. According to Weber (1947) a charismatic leadership can inspire and motivate people to do more than originally intended. What is more, they can influence followers by arousing strong emotions in support of the organizational vision, creating a leader-follower relationship based on a common value system between leader, follower and organization (Paul et al. 2001). Towler (2003) demonstrated that workers who received a charismatic-training performed better on their knowledge test and were more satisfied with the task. Unlike, transactional leadership emphasizes in the transaction that takes place with followers based on explicit discussion of the rewards they will receive if they fulfil the requirements. As a consequence, the relationship with is limited to the leader’s ability to control the outcomes desired by followers. However, as Dorfman et al. (1999) argued, charismatic behaviour can have a negative implication on societies with a history of autocratic and despotic leaders. Inspirational motivation Undoubtedly, the contingent transactional reinforcement system motivates followers to perform in such adequate way in order to obtain the reward. However, through this system, followers’ job performance, as well as commitment, is strongly limited to fulfil the requirements of the contract in a self-satisfying attitude (Avolio,BJ, Bass, BM and Jung, DI 1999) rather than a commitment with the leader and organizational vision he/she has established. Contrary, transformational leaders promote an organizational citizenship behaviour in which team-supporting behaviours augment followers’ identification with group values. The leader motivates them to transcend from a self-concept to be committed with cooperative team goals. Followers find themself intrinsically motivated to fulfil a collective vision without expecting immediate personal and tangible gains (Wang et al. 2005). Intellectual stimulation Transformational leaders stimulate employees’ effort to be innovative and creative by questioning assumption, reframing problems and approaching situations in different ways (Vaccaro et al. 2010, p. 2). On the other hand, as Podsakoff et al, (1990) exposed, transactional leadership consist in two dimensions; Contingent reward systems, which emphasizes the institution of clear and precise agreements, and management by exception that promotes highly leadership involvement and intervention in order to monitor and ectify any divergence form standards. Amibile (1998) claims that both dimensions inhibit creativity and discourage the initiative to address new ways to facing the work. Although, currently research fail to demonstrate a universal leadership phenomena (Walumbwa et al. 2005, p. 235), transformational leadership, by using intellectual stimulation behaviours, exhibit a cross-cultural benefit on commitment, innovation and job performance, all of them being characteristics of high-quality leader-follower (LMX) relationship. Avolio, Zhu, Koh, and Puja (2004), by gathering data from staff nurses in a large public hospital in Singapore, found a positive association between transformational leadership and organizational commitment. Likewise, Geyer and Steyrer (1998), as a result of a research in Australian banks, reported that transformational leadership had positive effects on employees’ level of effort and task performance. Individual consideration A transactional leader properly identifies employees’ needs in order to make the accurate motivational transactions; as a result, both parts expectations are met and job satisfactions is improved. However the exchange is usually limited to economic or tangible benefits and does not promote leader-follower relationships. In contrast, a transformational leader pays special attention to follower’s individual needs in a widely range, such achievement and growth, by acting as a coach or mentor. The leader demonstrate acceptance for individual differences, promote two-way exchange communication and sees the individual as a person rather than as just an employee (Bass, BM and Avolio, BJ (eds. 1994). In this extent, transformational leader promotes the creation of dyadic relationships with ‘in-group’ members which usually have a high-quality relationship with the leader and are expected to be more loyal to the leader, and perform in a greater extent as an exchange for intangible benefits like career development, participation in decision making, and access to information, between others (Vaccaro et al. 2010, p. 2). According to Deluga (1992), individualized consideration and charisma were two transformational leadership factors that predicted LMX and are the cause for subordinates to behave in ways (such as making extra efforts) that strengthen relational ties with the leader. Conclusion It seems clear that transformational and transactional leadership have positive relationship with organization outcomes; however this paper clearly stated the superiority of transformational leadership on building high-quality leader-follower (LMX) relationships based on the development of the Four I’s. First, by using a charismatic approach, transformational leaders create an idealize influence that augment follower’s emotions and commitment with the leader and organizational vision. Second, this paper claimed that by using inspirational motivating behaviour, leaders motivates followers to transcend from self-interest to commitment cooperative goals which led them to perform without expecting immediate personal benefits. In contrast, the transactional exchange-relationship with followers was meant to be limited to the interest on the reward promised as exchange for their task accomplishment in a very self-satisfying attitude. Given the importance of innovation in today’s organizations, intellectual stimulation was consider to be fundamentally related to followers’ commitment and organization increase on job performance and competitiveness. Unlike, by delimiting the outcome expected from followers and the reward system, transactional leadership was appeared to harm innovation in organization. Not different is the outcome of using managing by exception dimension. Finally, by having an individual consideration, transformational leadership are more likely to developed high-quality relationship members that are expected to be more loyal and perform in greater extent without expecting immediate tangible benefits. In contrast, commitment and higher achievement with a transactional leadership was limited to the exchange of direct economic and tangible benefits. Overall, due to the development of followers and their potential, transformational leadership is assumed to be more appropriate for many different types of companies and situations at any level across cultures. Reference list Amabile, TM 1998. ‘How to kill creativity’. Harvard Business Review, vol. 76, pp. 76–87. Avolio, BJ, Bass, BM, Jung, DI 1999, ‘Re-examining the components of transformational and transactional leadership using the multifactor leadership questionnaire’. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, vol. 72, no 4, pp. 441–462. Avolio, B J, Zhu, W, Koh, W, Puja, B 2004, ‘Transformational leadership and organizational commitment: Mediating role of psychological empowerment and moderating role of structural distance’. Journal of Organizational Behaviour, vol. 4, pp. 1–18. Bass, BM, Avolio, BJ 1990, ‘The Implications of transactional and transformational Leadership for individual, team and organizational development’. Research in Organizational Change and Development, vol. 4, pp. 231–72. Bass, B. M. Avolio, B. J. (eds. ) 1994, Improving organizational effectiveness through transformatio nal leadership, Sage Publications, London. Deluga, R J 1992, ‘The relationship of leader-member exchanges with laissez-faire, transactional, and transformational leadership’. Impact of leadership. pp. 237–247. Dorfman, PW, Howell, JP, Hibino, S, Lee, JK, Tate, U, Bautista, A 1997, ‘Leadership in Western and Asian countries: Communalities and differences in effective leadership processes across cultures’. Leadership Quarterly, vol. 8, no 3, pp. 233–274. Felfe, J, Tartler, K and Liepmann, D 2004, ‘Advanced Research in the Field of Transformational Leadership. Zeitschrift fur Personalforschung – German Journal of Human Resource Research. Special Research Forum, vol. 18, pp. 262–88. Geyer, A, Steyrer, J 1998, ‘Transformational leadership and objective performance in banks’. Applied Psychology: An International Review, vol. 7, no 3, pp. 397–420. House and Aditya; RC, Liden and Maslyn JM 1993, ‘Scale development for a multidimensional mesur of Leader-Member exchange’, Paper presented at annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Atlanta, Georgia. Paul, J, Costley, DL, Howell, JP, Dorfma, PW 2001, ‘The effects of cha rismatic leadership on followers’ self-concept accessibility’, Journal of Applied Social Psychology, vol. 31, no. 9, pp. 1821-1 844. Podsakoff, PM, MacKenzie, SB, Moorman, RH, Fetter, R 1990, ‘Transformational leader behaviours and their effects on followers’ trust in leader, satisfaction, and organizational citizenship behaviour. Leadership Quarterly, vol. 1, pp. 107–142. Rubin, RS, Munz, DC, Bommer, WH 2005, ‘Leading from within: the effects of emotion recognition and personality on transformational leadership behavior’. Academy of Management Journal, vol. 48, pp. 845–58. Towler, AJ 2003, ‘Effects of charismatic in? uence training on attitudes, behaviour, and performance’. Personnel Psychology, vol. 56, no 2, pp. 363–381. Vaccaro, IG, Jansen, JJ, Van Den Bosch, FA, Volberda, HW 2010, ‘Management innovation and leadership: The moderating role of organizational size’, Journal of Management Studies, pp. -23. Walumbwa, FO, Orwa, B, Wang, P, Lawler, JJ 2005, ‘Transformational Leadership, Organizational Commitment, and job satisfaction: A comparative study of Kenyan and U. S. financial firms’, Human resource development quarterly, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 235-265. Wang, H, Law, K, Hackett, R, Wang, D, Chen ZX 2005, ‘Leader-member exchange as a mediator of the relationship between transformational leadership and followers’ performance and organizational citizenship behaviour’, Academy of Management Journal, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 420-432. Weber, M 1947, ‘The theory of social and economic organizations’, translated by T. Parson, New York. Yammarino, FJ, Dubinsky, A J, Comer, LB, Jolson, MA 1997, ‘Women and transformational and contingent reward leadership: a multiple-levels-of-analysis perspective’. Academy of Management Journal, vol. 40, pp. 205–22. Zhang, X, Cao, Q, Tjosvold, D 2010, ‘Linking transformational leadership and team Performance: A con? ict management approach’, Journal of Management Studies, pp. 1-26.

Saturday, November 23, 2019


ONE FOOT IN FRONT OF THE OTHER Finding time to write is hard, but you do it. Improving your writing is time consuming, but you manage. Its hard to find critiquers for your work, but you keep searching until you do. You never think youll find a publisher, but its doable. Then you hold a book in your hand, and you beam with happiness. Youve done it, and you want to whoop your achievement to the world. Friends pat you on the back and others email you with congrats. And the hard part hasnt started. Promotion is harder than all that combined. Surely she jests, I hear you say. Nope. Im serious as a heart attack. In all my years of writing, editing, researching, and building a platform, Ive never run into anything as frustrating as promoting a book. Ive been tossed Ive had my magical moments of selling 20 books in one night. Ive had my down evenings where I doubted what I was doing trying to establish myself as an author. Then I always tell myself that each and every author was a nobody before he became somebody. He sold one book at a time, hoping whoever bought it would spread the word until books sold he wasnt even aware of, the number adding up until he realized the hellacious journey he traveled over the years was finally beginning to show results. You dont see success coming. It just shows up one day, asking you to let it in . . . unless you quit along the way. Then it goes and knocks on somebody elses door.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Ethel Parker Scholarship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ethel Parker Scholarship - Essay Example Reflecting back on my educational goals, I feel glad that I have decided for myself a Masters degree in culinary/nursing as it will be the cornerstone of achieving much success in the years to follow. Some of the more significant challenges that I have had during my lifetime includes one that sees me as a Healthcare Administrator for a period of 16 years. It also included my role as a Food Service Supervisor for the hospital domains. I have learned from this role immensely and it would be fair to comment that with the learning that I have had over the years, it has made me go back to school and attain a degree all over again. The motivation to get back to school is still there which makes me feel at ease with my own entirety. I am inclined to achieve a Masters degree as it echoes my true feelings. Even though it would be something that is deemed as late on my part, I am more than confident that if given a chance, I will be able to showcase excellence through hard work and commitment towards educational realms. Quoting a leadership experience, I have seen that attaining a role of significance has always been a source of inspiration for me. I once assumed the role of an educational mentor for the students who were junior to me. I mentored them regarding their career aspirations and what they wanted to discern from life as they made their way through. This allowed me to understand the finer nuances of life and what each one of them wished to achieve within their respective domains. This leadership experience was phenomenal because I found out that I was able to lead people quite easily. In fact the whole process came about quite naturally, which was much to my surprise. This experience taught me the true value of empathy and how to spend time within the boots of others. It was a very fascinating experience as I dictated their entireties in more ways than one. I was able

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Personal Property for Person Suffering from Alzheimers Disease Assignment

Personal Property for Person Suffering from Alzheimers Disease - Assignment Example The appellee used the parking garage for purposes of parking his automobile since the public was invited to use it. The parking garage in which the appellee parked his car was owned by the appellant, and before parking his automobile, the appellee received a receipt to allow for the same. The nature of the relationship between the appellee and the appellant, therefore, qualifies for express bailment. The express bailment, in this case, is written as is proven by the receipt, a written confirmation. The bailment at will would depend on the amount of time that the bailor, Mr Allen, would need to use the parking garage, and would be terminated once he submitted the receipt to the attendant at the single exit of the parking garage. The bailee would act as a warehouse because there would be a compensation for the period of time used to store the automobile.The bailment, in this case, was for the mutual benefit of both the bailor who is the appellee in this case and the bailee who is the a ppellant (Twomey and Jennings). While the bailor would have his automobile parked in a safe environment, the bailee would receive a payment that is in relation to the amount of the time that the parking garage was used. When bailment is for the mutual benefit of both bailor and bailee, the bailee is liable to the bailor for ordinary negligence, and the bailee bears the duty of ordinary care to his property (Twomey and Jennings).Though the appellee and the appellant have a bailor-bailee kind of relationship, there is no liability to be borne by the bailee. Any liability that would have been shouldered by the appellant was disqualified by the receipt purchased by the appellee. The ticket bore clear instructions that it only served the purpose of gauging the time an automobile has been in the parking garage and not for identification of the vehicle. Though there was an attendant present at the exit of the parking garage, the attendant had no means of identifying whether persons left wi th the right cars. The ticket also made it clear that the appellant would not be held responsible for losses incurred by theft,  collision or otherwise; and that automobiles were parked at owner’s risk.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Charles Dickens most famous Bildungsroman novel Essay Example for Free

Charles Dickens most famous Bildungsroman novel Essay How Does Dickens Presentation of Pip as a young boy contrast to Pip as an Adult?  Great Expectations is one of Charles Dickens most famous Bildungsroman novel. This story is serialised in journals from 1860 1861. It was published chapter at a time therefore would leave every chapter at a cliff-hanger.  Due to this novel being published in journals it made this semi-autobiographical narrative available to the mass of people; soaring its popularity.  The main theme of this novel is associated with the main factors of Victorian era; Being Gentlemen; Education and Crime and Punishment. Dickens was a social observer and would therefore base his narratives on his concerns for the social laws. Great Expectations was an example of this. This story is based on Pip, the main character, and how his life changes as he comes into possession of a lot of money from an unknown benefactor breaking the wall of social mobility on his way to become a Gentleman. The whole essay shows the retrospective view of Pip looking back on his life. Furthermore most of the events experience by Pip could also be his past experiences. This is why Great Expectations is Charles Dickens most semi-autobiographical piece of writing. This general aim of this essay is to describe the way Pip was presented as a young boy and later on in his life by this worldwide known author, Charles Dickens.  The key scenes in this novel which will be analysed in detail. The chosen key scenes are; chapters 1-8 where Pip is growing up as a young kid and ahs his first encounter with the convict. The significance of these chapters is that it shows Pips childhood and also describes his first meeting with Magwitch, who plays a huge role in this novel. The central point of this report will be focused on chapter 27-38. This shows Pip as a young gentleman. This is very vital as it shows the way Pip has changed from his childhood ways. In these chapters it shows when Pip is reunited with his benefactor.  The Last key scenes will be chapter 57 and 58. This is when Pip is comes together with Joe hoping to propose to Biddy. The significance of this is that Joe is going to get married to Biddy; therefore Pips reaction to this news is very interesting. Pip was bought up an orphan. The only living family member of Pip was his sister Mrs Joe Gargery. My first fancies regarding what they were like were unreasonably derived from their tombstones This quotation emphasis the fact that Pip was an orphan who had never seen his parents and is an example of dual narrative as it is quite humorous but also sad at the same time. At the beginning of the play Dickens makes the readers fell sympathetic towards Pip. This makes the readers like Pip throughout the story no matter what he does. In the Victorian Era being an orphan was very common. It meant they had no prospects for the future, would be illiterate and would therefore lead a very poor life. They would usually be homeless or taken in by gentlemens to be their slaves. I was at that time undersized for years and not very strong. This quotation shows that Pip had a lack of prospects which emphasised he came from a poor background. The term undersized could be used for physical terms but also could be used that he had no say in the community as he was a child and he had no say generally as him and his family were very poor. Charles Dickens reversed these points about a poor person and made social mobility possible for Pip.  At the beginning of the narrative Pip is a naive young boy who has no knowing of the outside world. Most of this is due to being brought up without education. Education in that era was very important as only the rich could afford it. This immediately brought up the aspect of class issues in this novel. Education led to people being in a higher social group to those who werent educated and possibly shaped their future. Pip suffered abuse from many people. He was bought up by hand by his sister Mrs Joe. She had a reputation for this. This showed that Pip was brought with discipline and wouldnt dare to do a thing wrong as he would get punished for this. Another quotation that explains that Mrs Joe beats Pip to teach him manners and discipline is Be grateful boy to them which bought you up by hand. Whats worse shes got the tickler with her, this quotation shows how much Pip feared the tickler and getting beaten by Mrs Joe. As well as receiving physical abuse from Mrs Joe he received verbal abuse from many family friends such as Mr Pumblechook and also Estella. It was from the Victorian times that the saying Children should be seen but not heard was created. This saying applied to Pip. Many guttural sounds were used to describe the abuse that was inflicted upon Pip such as rampage. This emphasises the un-human like behaviour of Mrs Joe towards Pip.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Essay --

Introduction ïÆ'Ëœ This document is to develop METI’s digital strategy for recruiting, in part because recruiting activities will be my next mission at METI immediately after my graduation from HKS next year. ïÆ'Ëœ Looking at the current recruiting tools of METI, I was shocked to see how biased toward analog tools they are, in spite of radical changes occurring in the digital era. For example, METI makes countless phone calls to prospective students, but barely send emails to them. METI uses a great deal of posters, flyers and brochures, but does not have a consolidated website or blog for recruitment. METI holds a lot of face-to-face seminars, but does not conduct online sessions. ïÆ'Ëœ Therefore, inspired by cutting-edge campaign strategies in the United States, I am strongly determined to transform METI’s recruitment strategy in parallel with the development of digital tools, in order to attract the best and brightest who are able to deal with difficult problems Japan faces, such as nuclear power plants, territorial disputes and cyber terrorisms. ïÆ'Ëœ In summary, facing widespread public distrust of the Government of Japan and fierce competitions against other attractive ministries and lucrative private firms in the field of recruitment, it is critical to take advantage of progressive digital tools in each phase, such as targeted e-mail campaigns, Google Adwords campaigns, blogs, Twitter, Facebook, and Google Hangouts, in combination with existing analog tools, in order to successfully reach out to targeted candidates. ïÆ'Ëœ The key is how to make most of METI’s principal assets, distinguished brand and its ambassadors (employees), and how to engage student themselves as â€Å"co-developers† under the principles of Web 2.0. 1. People 1-1. Japanese R... ...o still wonder whether they should choose METI or private firms due to the nature of policy-making that is not familiar to many of them, it is critical to develop an intimate environment where all the member can know each other and discuss policy issues together. ïÆ'Ëœ Since public policy-making is essentially different from the private sector, the intimate discussion will empower admitted candidates who have already chosen to take the difficult examinations and intense interviews to be more confident about their first career. Conclusion ïÆ'Ëœ By combining existing tools with digital tools effectively, METI will be successful in attracting, engaging and hiring high-quality students. ïÆ'Ëœ It is important to note that the key is always how to utilize METI’s primary assets, METI’s distinguished brand and its ambassadors, and how to engage students themselves as â€Å"co-developers†.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Ways to Fix Run Ons Fragments

Understanding sentence structure helps in identifying and correcting run-on sentences and sentence fragments. A computer’s spell checker does not typically catch these common mistakes, so do not rely on the spell checker to correct grammar for you. Be sure to carefully proofread all assignments for these issues. This handout defines various sentence structures, presents sample sentences, and provides strategies for correcting run-ons, comma splices, and fragments. Practice activities are included to help build skills in sentence clarity and variety. First, consider the parts of a complete sentence:Complete Sentence (Independent Clause) Table of Contents Part I: Run-ons †¢ Strategies for avoiding run-ons (comma splices and fused sentences) (p. 2-3) †¢ Sample sentences with explanations, practice activities (with answer key) (p. 4-7) Part II: Fragments †¢ Strategies for avoiding sentence fragments (p. 8-11) †¢ Sample sentences with explanations, practice acti vities (with answer key) (p. 12-13) Part I: Run-On Sentences Definition: A run-on sentence either has too many independent clauses or two independent clauses that are not linked correctly.Two types of run-on sentences are fused sentences and comma splices. Strategies for Correcting Fused Sentences: 1. Create a compound sentence. Inserting a coordinating conjunction (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so) plus a comma correctly links these independent clauses. This sentence structure is called a compound sentence. Correct compound sentence: She writes the music, and he plays the guitar. independent clause + comma + coordinating conjunction + independent clause 2. Separate independent clauses with periods and capitalization, creating simple sentences.Correct sentences: She writes the music. He plays the guitar. 3. Insert a semi-colon. Semi-colons should be used sparingly and to connect independent clauses whose meanings are closely related. Correct sentence: She writes the music for Coldpla y; he plays the guitar for that band. * Note: When more details are added to the above independent clauses, the meanings become much more closely related. Thus, a semi-colon can separate these clauses. 4. Link ideas using a subordinate clause (dependent clause). Correct Sentence: While she writes the music for Coldplay, he plays the guitar for that band. ubordinate clause + comma + independent clause ‘While’ is a subordinating conjunction, which makes ‘while she writes music for Coldplay,’ a dependent clause. That is, the clause depends on the rest of the sentence for the overall meaning to be clear. A dependent clause cannot stand alone. Use a comma to separate a dependent clause that appears before an independent clause. *Note: A sentence constructed of one independent clause and one or more dependent (or subordinate) clauses is called a complex sentence. Strategies for Correcting Comma Splices: . Insert a coordinating conjunction to create a compound sen tence. Correct Sentences: She writes the music for Coldplay, but he plays the guitar for that band. She writes the music for Coldplay, and he plays the guitar for that band. Remember, the coordinating conjunction appears after the comma. *Note: Again, consider meaning before joining sentences. If the sentences are not closely connected, it may be best to keep them separate. Think about these two independent clauses: Today I was late for class. I will have a burrito for dinner tonight.Since these ideas are distinct, keep the sentences separate. 2. Insert a semi-colon. Correct Sentence: She writes the music for Coldplay; he plays the guitar for that band. Again, to join two independent clauses with a semi-colon, be sure that their meanings are closely connected. The Tutoring Center has a separate handout on semi-colon usage. * See pages 4-7 for further explanation of these strategies as well as sample sentences and practice activities. Run-On Sentences: Examples and Explanations Examp les: It was raining Naomi could not find her umbrella. (Fused)It was raining, Naomi could not find her umbrella. (Comma Splice) How to fix these run-ons: Step 1: Identify the independent clauses. It was raining + Naomi could not find her umbrella. subject + verb phrase subject + verb phrase (direct object) Step 2: Use one of the below strategies. 1. Period + Capital Letter (Separate Sentences) It was raining. Naomi could not find her umbrella. S + V. S +V 2. Comma + Coordinating Conjunction (Compound Sentence) It was raining, and Naomi could not find her umbrella. S + V , and S + V . Semi-Colon It was raining; Naomi could not find her umbrella. S + V ; S + V 4. Subordinating Conjunction + Comma (Complex Sentence) Though it was raining, Naomi could not find her umbrella. dependent clause, S + V *Note: Use the Tutoring Center’s Transitions/Grammar Aid Handout to help identify coordinating and subordinating conjunctions. Ask a tutor if you are unclear about the meanings of these conjunctions or in which situations to use them. Practice: Avoiding Run-Ons Correct the following run-on sentences by using the strategies previously discussed. 1.I moved to the United States when I was young it was easy to learn English, my parents were already here, they knew English already. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Juan and David recognized each other they had been in the first grade together. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Her car would not start she was late for class. ____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. The parents ate the baby slept in her stroller. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Eli wants to quit smoking this habit is too expensive. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Avoiding Run-Ons: Answer Key and Explanations 1. I moved to the United States when I was young it was easy to learn English, my parents were already here, they knew English. Strategy 1: Period + Capital Letter (Separate Sentences) I moved to the United States when I was young. S + V (prepositional phrase) (dependent clause) It was easy to learn English. S + V (adverb phrase) My parents were already here. They knew English. S + V (adverb phrase). S + V (direct object)Strategy 2: Coordinating Conjunction + Comma (Compound Sentence) I moved to the United States when I was young, and it was e asy to learn English. S + V , and S + V My parents were already here, so they knew English. S + V , so S + V Strategy 3: Semi-Colon I moved to the United States when I was young; it was easy to learn English. S + V ; S + V My parents were already here; they knew English.S + V ; S + V Strategy 4: Subordination (Complex Sentence) Because I moved to the United States when I was young, it was easy to learn English. (dependent clause) + , S + V Because is a subordinating conjunction that makes the first clause dependent on the second clause. Do not use a coordinating conjunction to link a dependent clause and an independent clause; rather, use only a comma. For example: Since my parents were already here, they knew English. Note: This run-on sentence can also be corrected using a combination of the above strategies. I moved to the United States when I was young, so it was easy to learn English. (compound sentence) Because my parents were already here, they knew English. (complex sentenc e) More suggested answers: 2. Juan and David recognized each other; they had been in the first grade together. S + V ; S + V (prepositional phrase) Juan and David recognized each other, for they had been in the first grade together.S + V , for S + V Since they had been in the first grade together, Juan and David recognized each other. Since + dependent clause , S + V Juan and David recognized each other. They had been in the first grade together. S + V. S + V Now it’s starting to make sense: 3. Her car would not start, so she was late for class. Her car would not start, and she was late for class. Her car would not start. She was late for class. Because her car would not start, she was late for class.Her car would not start; she was late for class. (correct, but not the best choice) 4. While the parents ate, the baby slept in her stroller. The parents ate as the baby slept in her stroller. The parents ate. The baby slept in her stroller. The parents ate, and the baby slept in her stroller. The parents ate; the baby slept in her stroller. 5. Eli wants to quit smoking. This habit is too expensive. Eli wants to quit smoking; this habit is too expensive. Eli wants to quit smoking, for this habit is too expensive. Since this habit is too expensive, Eli wants to quit smoking.A more logical, concise construction using subordination would read as follows: Since smoking is too expensive, Eli wants to quit. Part II: Sentence Fragments There are several types of fragments. See pages 9-11 for detailed explanations and techniques for correcting fragments. Pages 12-13 include practice activities and an answer key. Types of Fragments Each example below illustrates a different type of sentence fragment. Any fragment can be corrected by linking the fragment to an independent clause—one which comes before or after it and which makes sense within the paragraph.Examples of Subordinating Conjunctions and Relative Pronouns |after |how |unless |whichever | |although |i f |until |while | |as |in order that/to |what |whether | |as if |once whatever |who | |as soon as |rather than |when |whoever | |as though |since |whenever |whom | |because |so that |where |whomever | |before |than |whereas |whose | |even if |that |wherever |why | |even though |though |which | | Strategies for correcting subordinating conjunction and relative pronoun fragments: 1. Connect the fragment to the sentence that comes before or after it. Correct Sentences: While I was waiting for my car to be repaired, I read a magazine. dependent clause , S + V Notice the use of the comma after the dependent clause (because the dependent clause falls at the beginning of the sentence).I had to ride the bus while I was waiting for my car to be repaired. S + V dependent phrase *Note: When a dependent (subordinate) clause comes after the independent clause, it is usually unnecessary to place a comma after that independent clause. Whether or not a comma is needed depends on the meaning of the sentence. 2. Remove the subordinating conjunction/relative pronoun. Correct sentence: I was waiting for my car to be repaired. S + V Strategies for correcting â€Å"ing† fragments: 1. Connect the fragment to the sentence that comes before or after it. Correct sentences: Her expertise being in chemistry and biology, she was not hired as an English instructor. ependent –ing phrase , S + V She designed the new science exhibit, her expertise being in chemistry and biology. S + V , dependent –ing phrase 2. Correct the verb form. Correct sentences: Her expertise is in chemistry and biology. Her expertise was in chemistry and biology. *Note: Sometimes you will also need to add a subject and correct the verb form. See the next page for an example. . Strategies for correcting missing subject fragments: 1. Connect the fragment to the sentence that comes before or after it. Correct Sentences: Security set off the alarm, evacuated the building, and closed ll the entrances. In the above sentence, it is clear that the subject, the doer of the actions, is security. 2. Add the missing subject. Correct Sentence: Security set off the alarm and evacuated the building. Next, they closed all the entrances. *Note: In this sentence, the pronoun ‘they’ renames the subject, security. Transition Words Indicating a List or Examples |also |especially |except |for instance |including | |in addition |furthermore |for example |such as |next |Strategies for correcting â€Å"extra information† fragments: 1. Connect the fragment to the sentence that comes before or after it. Correct sentence: Many Americans take basic amenities for granted, for example, clean water and electricity. S + V , dependent phrase 2. Add the missing subject and verb. Correct sentence: For example, basic amenities include clean water and electricity. transitional phrase, S + V Practice: Avoiding Fragments Correct these sentences using the strategies previously discussed. 1. The dog loved his new toys. Especially the ones that squeaked. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Maggie remembered her childhood. Her mother making pancakes for dinner in the small apartment. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. She decided to meet her new friend in a public place. That they had arranged over e-mail. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Because she met him on MySpace. She thought it was a good idea to be cautious. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________ 5. I cannot wait until President’s Day. Finally, a day off. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________ Avoiding Fragments: Answers and Explanations 1. The dog loved his new toys, especially the ones that squeaked. S + V , dependent clause The dog loved his new toys. He especially loved the ones that squeaked. S + V. S + V 2.Maggie remembered her childhood, especially her mother making pancakes for dinner in the S + V, dependent clause small apartment. Maggie remembered her childhood. Her mother made pancakes in the small apartment. S + V. S + V (correct form) 3. She decided to meet her new friend in a public place that they had arranged over email. S + V dependent clause She decided to meet her new friend in a public place. They had arranged a place over email. S + V. S + V 4. Because she met him on MySpace, she thought it was a good idea to be cautious. dependent clause, S + V She thought it was a good idea to be cautious; she met him on MySpace.S + V ; S+ V 5. I cannot wait until President’s Day, finally, a day off. S +V, dependent phrase I cannot wait until President’s Day. Finally, we have a day off. S + V. S + V ———————– Avoiding Run-On Sentences, Comma Splices, and Fragments A complete sentence has (minimally) two parts, a subject and a verb. A sentence must also express a complete thought. Such a phrase consisting of a subject and a verb (with complete meaning) is also called an independent clause. Example: He writes music. This sentence has a subject and verb.This sentence also expresses a complete thought, so its meaning is clear. he=subject (S) writes=verb (V) music=direct object (DO) 1. Fused Sentence Definition: A fused sentence consists of two independent clauses, but both the comma and coordinating conjunction are missing . Example of a Fused Sentence: She writes the music he plays the guitar. ‘She writes the music’ and ‘he plays the guitar’ are each independent clauses, containing a subject and a verb and expressing complete thoughts. ‘He plays the guitar’ is an independent clause that can stand alone because it expresses a complete thought and is grammatically correct. he=subject (S)plays=verb (V)guitar=direct object (DO)However, in the above example, the independent clause, ‘She writes the music,’ incorrectly runs into a second independent clause, ‘he plays the guitar. ’ 2. Comma Splice Definition: A comma splice consists of two or more independent clauses that follow one another and are incorrectly linked together only with a comma (or commas). The coordinating conjunction is missing. Example of a Comma Splice: She writes the music, he plays the guitar. In the above sentence, a comma separates the two independent clauses, but a coor dinating conjunction is also necessary. 1. Subordinating Conjunction and Relative Pronoun Fragments Example: While I was waiting for my car to be repaired. How to find this type of fragment:When proofreading a paper, pay attention to subordinating conjunctions and relative pronouns. These words (see box below) turn subjects and verbs into dependent clauses. Identifying proper usage of dependent clauses can help in recognizing fragments. 2. â€Å"-ing† Fragments Example: Her expertise being in chemistry and biology. How to find an â€Å"-ing† fragment: If the only verb in the sentence ends in ‘–ing’ and does not have a helping verb, you have a fragment. While the word ‘being’ is a verb, in the above sentence, it is not properly formed. In the below sentence, notice that the ‘-ing’ verb has a helping verb: I was walking down the street when it started raining. (This sentence is correct. ‘Was’ functions as the hel ping verb. )When added to a verb, ‘-ing’ sometimes makes a verb do the job of a noun: Walking outdoors is my favorite form of exercise. (In this sentence, ‘walking’ is a noun that functions as the subject. ‘Is’ functions as the main verb. ) 3. Missing Subject Fragments Example: Security set off the alarm and evacuated the building. Next, closed all the entrances. How to find this type of fragment: The second phrase above (noted in bold) is a fragment because there is no subject. ‘Entrances’ is a noun, but it is the object of the verb ‘closed. ’ Who or what is closing the entrances is unknown. That is, the subject of the sentence is missing. 4. â€Å"Extra Information† Fragments Example: For instance, clean water and electricity. How to find and fix this type of fragment:

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Pittsburgh – the Most Livable City!

Towns and cities have a long history. In the ancient world cities were developed in a number of regions and for a variety of reasons and motivation from religious to political views. The first true cities are sometimes considered to be large settlements where the inhabitants were no longer simply farmers of the surrounding area, but began to take on specialized occupations, and where trade, food storage and power was centralized (Gracias, par. 1). An ancient Greek philosopher, Plato, has once said, â€Å"This City is what it is because our citizens are what they are†. A city is a home for hundreds of people and is shaped by decisions, views and knowledge of those people. These days when we look up in the dictionary for the word city it is defined as a center of population, commerce, culture, and a town of significant size and importance. However, with each day cities worldwide grow, improve, and change simultaneously. Based on the technological globalization cities are moving toward becoming the centers of knowledge and learning. In fifty years from now, we will no longer view cities simply as an inhabited place of greater size, because 21st century is taking the meaning of a city to a whole new level. We will face new intelligent cities, which use technology and communication to create more efficient ways in terms of competitiveness, innovation, environment, energy, utilities, governance, and delivery of services to the citizens. Each city within our country is competing to attract more population, build a remarkable reputation and become number one. This year Forbes Magazine, the online magazine for the latest business and financial news and analysis, recognized the city of Pittsburgh as America’s Most Livable Cities for the second time (Levy, 1/2). However, as always there are many controversies about what it means to be the most livable city. Well, majority would think that livability would have to do with finding a good job. However, the word livable by itself means suitable for living. So the question is, what criteria does Forbes magazine establishes to define livable. According to the magazine it examined America’s 200 largest cities and used the following five points of data to determine the top cities: growth in income, unemployment rate, crime, cost of living, art and leisure (Levy 1/2). If you have never been to Pittsburgh, you may wonder about why in the world it was named the most livable city? Maybe twenty years ago there was nothing significant about Pittsburgh, but now there are many thriving high-tech firms that continue to form and make their mark (Florida 13/14). There are signs of life in the social and cultural environment as well. The region’s immigrant population has begun to tick upward, fed by students and professors at the universities and employees in the medical and technology sectors (13/14). There’s no doubt that Pittsburgh is one of the most livable and industrially advance cities in America. Each city possesses a unique historical and geographical background, which is what makes it significant and gives the city its sense of identity. Pittsburgh is a city known for its culture, history and accessibility. Named after William Penn the elder, the 18th century British Prime Minister, Pittsburgh was once the heart of America’s steel industry, its notorious smog earning it the nickname â€Å"hell with the lid off† (Owen, par. 1). In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the city was home to many of America’s most successful â€Å"robber baron† industrialists, including Andrew Carnegie, Henry Clay Frick, and the Mellon brothers, as well as Henry John Heinz, the founder of the Heinz food company. In the 1970s and 80s, the city transformed its economy following the collapse of the steel industry with the healthcare and several respected universities now key employers (par. 1). In the 19th and 20th centuries, wealthy businessmen and nonprofit organizations donated millions of dollars to create educational and cultural institutions (â€Å"Pittsburgh,† pars. -5). As a result in this rich legacy of community investment and involvement, the city has built the foundation of the rich cultural and artistic environment. The 14-block Cultural District is unique and is home to the world-renowned Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra, Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre, Pittsburgh Opera, Pittsburgh Dance Council, PNC Broadway Series, Pittsburgh Public Theater and the new August Wilson Center for African American Culture (pars. 4-5). Few cities can compare to this vibrant Cultural District alive with live theater, art and numerous restaurants. Its famous son is probably Andy Warhol, who is celebrated in an impressive museum on the city’s North Shore. The museum has achieved worldwide recognition for devoting large-scale installation art. Therefore, throughout the city and the region, galleries and museums offer everything from the cutting-edge to the classics (pars. 4-5). The entertainment is endless and the quality and variety are outstanding and fantastic. Pittsburgh has launched a multitude of programs to diversify the region’s economy away from heavy industry into high technology (Florida, 3/14). It has rebuilt its downtown virtually from scratch, invested in a new airport, and developed a massive new sport complex for its professional sport teams because of its long sport history and dedication. Pittsburgh’s football team, the Steelers, who play to a packed stadium on the Ohio River, are another example of success, and were the winners of the 2009 Super Bowl, while the ice hockey team, the Penguins, won the 2009 Stanley Cup (3/14). Indeed, Pittsburgh’s art scene, job presence, safety, and affordability make it the most livable city in the country, according to measures studied. Compared with many large cities, home prices in Pittsburgh are more affordable (Powell, par. 1). Recent surveys indicate an average home price in Pittsburgh of ranging from about $110,000 to $162,000 for a single family home, which is about 40% below the national average price (par. 1). The housing market is relatively stable despite a national subprime mortgage crisis, and Pittsburgh added jobs in 2008 even as the national economy entered a significant jobs recession. This story of regeneration was the inspiration for President Barack Obama to personally select Pittsburgh as the host city for the 2009 G20 Summit (Owen, par. 1). Pittsburgh’s strong university presence with over a dozen colleges or campuses helps encourage its livability. Because Pittsburgh is one of the largest college cities it in general has a younger, more educated and consumer-oriented population. One of its famous universities is Carnegie Mellon, one of the world’s leading centers for research in information technology (Florida, 2/14). Right down the street from Carnegie Mellon campus, is located the University of Pittsburgh, which has a world-class medical center. Pittsburgh attracts hundreds of millions of dollars per year in university research funding and is the sixth-largest center for college and university students on a per capita basis in the country (2/14). Another factor enhancing Pittsburgh’s livability is that area residents face very little risk of encountering a natural disaster, such as an earthquake, hurricane, wildfire, or tornado compared to other cities (â€Å"Improving,† 1/1). Pittsburgh is also a great place to raise a family, based on income growth over the past five years and the current unemployment rate (â€Å"Pittsburgh,† par. 6). Therefore, the city is more livable if a family’s income goes further. Pittsburgh is as well ranked among the top 10 metropolitan areas in the nation for climates favorable to business expansion (â€Å"Pittsburgh Law,† pars. 4-5). The city is one of the most industrially advanced based on technology, retail, finance, and medicine (pars. 4-5). What I mean by industrially advance is that the city is home and headquarters to major global financial institutions, including PNC Financial Services, PPG Industries, U. S. Steel, H. J. Heinz Company, CONSOL Energy, Google Corporation, and others (pars 4-5). â€Å"Our City has come a long way and I’m thrilled that Forbes. com has once again recognized Pittsburgh’s unique position as a City that truly has it all – entertainment and affordability, but most important, safety and jobs,† Pittsburgh Mayor Luke Ravenstahl said (â€Å"Pittsburgh Ranked†, 1/1). It’s important that we look to these ratings as an opportunity to not only tell our good story and attract more people and businesses to Pittsburgh, but to roll up our sleeves and work on getting even safer, creating more jobs, and being more livable (1/1). † The word â€Å"livable† carries the connotation of a place being suitable for a living. The Forbes magazine defines livable by establishing certain criteria that the city must satisfy to be recognized as America’s most livable city. Pittsburgh has outranked all 200 cities nationwide and was honored to stand out as a powerful example of what is a livable city and how to create new jobs and industries while transforming to 21st century economy. No one is claiming that Pittsburgh is a perfect city. It’s simply livable and beautiful. There’s no doubt that Pittsburgh is on the map when it comes to arts and culture , income growth, stable unemployment rate, low crime rates and average costs of living . However, there’s more about Pittsburgh than just statistics and rankings. Some people may perhaps enjoy Pittsburgh simply for its marvelous fall season. Where the nights get shorter, the wind blows brisker, and the trees shed their green, making way for coral, mustard, and flame. As you walk through dozens of neighborhoods of every stripe and character you discover that Pittsburgh feels like home. Rolling hills, wooded glens, dog walks, and unbelievable views of the sky can make you forget about all that reading you have to do for school or work. All the lists and web articles in the world can’t convince you that Pittsburgh is the most livable and perfect place, but a visit here just might.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Nonprofit Management to Online MBA Essays

Nonprofit Management to Online MBA Essays Nonprofit Management to Online MBA Essay Nonprofit Management to Online MBA Essay My daughter did not have the typical college experience; she had my granddaughter when she was only nineteen years old and, while she had started her college classes, she wasn’t able to finish out the year, let alone earn her degree. Her subsequent marriage didn’t last and before long she and her daughter were living back at home with us – the entire family pitching in to try to make things work. She found a great job with a nonprofit organization and time marched on – all of us caught in the whirlwind that comes with having small children and working adults in a household. I was so proud of everything my daughter had accomplished on her own but I knew that she had things she still wanted to do and before long she found a way to go after them. She told me that she was glad that she had gotten this job in nonprofit because while it may have just been a way to pay the bills at first it was quickly revealed to her as something about which she was passionate. In fact, she told me, she wanted to pursue nonprofit management as her long term career and she had found a way to earn her degree – online. With an online nonprofit management degree program she could continue to work full time and care for her daughter, while doing all of her schoolwork at night or on the weekends when we could help with the baby. Everything was done online – on her computer – and it was the most convenient and best way possible of earning her degree. She earned that nonprofit management degree – and we were all so proud. But she didn’t stop there! It seems she really caught the bug after earning her undergraduate degree and so she’s quickly moving on to get her online MBA. Nothing can stop her now!

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Displaying a PDF File in a VB.NET Form

Displaying a PDF File in a VB.NET Form PDF files have an internal document format that requires a software object that understands the format. Since many of you might have used the functions of Office in your VB code, lets look briefly at Microsoft Word as an example of processing a formatted document to make sure we understand the concept. If you want to work with a Word document, you have to add a Reference to the Microsoft Word 12.0 Object Library (for Word 2007) and then instantiate the Word Application object in your code. Dim myWord As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.ApplicationClass Start Word and open the document. myWord CreateObject(Word.Application) myWord.Visible True myWord.Documents.Open(C:\myWordDocument.docx) ( must be replaced with the actual path to the document to make this code work on your PC.) Microsoft uses the Word Object Library to provide other methods and properties for your use. Read the article COM -.NET Interoperability in Visual Basic to understand more about Office COM interop. But PDF files arent a Microsoft technology. PDF - Portable Document Format - is a file format created by Adobe Systems for document exchange. For years, it was totally proprietary and you had to get software that could process a PDF file from Adobe. On July 1, 2008, PDF was finalized as a published international standard. Now, anyone is permitted to create applications that can read and write PDF files without having to pay royalties to Adobe Systems. If you plan on selling your software, you still may be required to get a license, but Adobe provides them royalty-free. (Microsoft created a different format called XPS that is based on XML. Adobes PDF format is based on Postscript. XPS became a published international standard on June 16, 2009.) The Uses of PDF Since the PDF format is a competitor to Microsofts technology, they dont provide a lot of support and you have to get a software object that understands the PDF format from someone other than Microsoft right now. Adobe returns the favor. They dont support Microsoft technology all that well either. Quoting from the latest (October 2009) Adobe Acrobat 9.1 documentation, There is currently no support for the development of plug-ins using managed languages such as C# or VB.NET. (A plug-in is an on-demand software component. Adobes plug-in is used to display PDFs in a browser.) Since PDF is a standard, several companies have developed software for sale that you can add to your project that will do the job, including Adobe. There are also a number of open-source systems available. You could also use the Word (or Visio) object libraries to read and write PDF files but using these large systems for just this one thing will require extra programming, also has license issues, and will make your program bigger than it has to be. Just as you need to buy Office before you can take advantage of Word, you also have to buy the full version of Acrobat before you can take advantage of more than just the Reader. You would use the full Acrobat product in about the same way that other object libraries, like Word 2007 above, are used. I dont happen to have the full Acrobat product installed so I couldnt provide any tested examples here. How To But if you only need to display PDF files in your program, Adobe provides an ActiveX COM control that you can add to the VB.NET Toolbox. It will do the job for free. Its the same one you probably use to display PDF files anyway: the free Adobe Acrobat PDF Reader. To use the Reader control, first make sure that you have downloaded and installed the free Acrobat Reader from Adobe. Step 2 is to add the control to the VB.NET Toolbox. Open VB.NET and start a standard Windows application. (Microsofts next generation of presentation, WPF, doesnt work with this control yet. Sorry!) To do that, right-click on any tab (such as Common Controls) and select Choose Items ... from the context menu that pops up. Select the COM Components tab and click the checkbox beside Adobe PDF Reader and click OK. You should be able to scroll down to the Controls tab in the Toolbox and see the Adobe PDF Reader there. Now just drag the control to your Windows Form in the design window and size it appropriately. For this quick example, Im not going to add any other logic, but the control has lots of flexibility that Ill tell you how to find out about later. For this example, Im just going to load a simple PDF that I created in Word 2007. To do that, add this code to the form Load event procedure: Console.WriteLine(AxAcroPDF1.LoadFile( _   Ã‚  Ã‚  C:\Users\Temp\SamplePDF.pdf)) Substitute the path and file name of a PDF file on your own computer to run this code. I displayed the result of the call in the Output windows only to show how that works. Heres the result: Click Here to display the illustrationClick the Back button on your browser to return If you want to control the Reader, there are methods and properties for that in the control too. But the good folks at Adobe have done a better job than I could. Download the Adobe Acrobat SDK from their developer center (adobe.com/devnet/acrobat/). The AcrobatActiveXVB program in the VBSamples directory of the SDK shows you how to navigate in a document, get the version numbers of the Adobe software you are using, and much more. If you dont have the full Acrobat system installed - which must be purchased from Adobe - you wont be able to run other examples.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Management Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 3

Management - Research Paper Example These four functional areas are subdivided into a large number of narrow business functions specific to each functional area. It has been observed that business organizes their structure according to business functions. The business functions which are associated with production management includes the management of material, carry out research and development for refining existing product lines or developing new products. It also includes the task of conducting various quality control tests to ensure customer satisfaction. Thus, the functional area of production management deals with planning the plant layout and deciding about plant locations for different products (Elsy, 2009). The functional area of marketing management includes the business functions of marketing a product to the targeted consumer segments, sales forecasting, providing customer support and conducting promotional activities, taking sales orders and customer relationship management. Marketing management also involves the responsibility of conducing market research to collect and analyze data about the demand for the products and also the marketing strategies of competitors in similar markets. This also helps the management to design effective marketing mix to promote new products in existing markets or to introduce the existing products in new markets (Lussier, 2011; Boldi, Santini & Vigna, 2009). The accounting and finance functional area includes the business functions of financial accounting, allocation of funds for various activities and projects, planning, budgeting and control of funds and cash-flow management. It also deals with the various direct and indirect taxes that the organization needs to pay. The functional area of human resource management deals with the effective utilization of manpower. Human resources personnel are involved in the processes of recruitment and selection, training